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Kid You'll Move Mountains Concept Drawing

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Dimensions:   25.25” x 36”

Medium: Giclee' on paper

Edition Size:  850

Availability:  Available

Year of Release:  2022

This may be one of the most deeply personal, and profoundly impactful of all the messages he conveyed in his lifetime. In order for it to not only summarize his own life, but to summarize ours and all who may read it in the future, Ted seemed to know that authenticity was paramount.

He tells us quite simply that nothing is 100% certain, life doesn’t work that way. There is always an element of the unknown. However, once we embrace that notion, anything is possible.

In the final image of his entire publishing career, he encourages us to believe in ourselves, trust the journey, embrace the unknown, and ultimately, get the most out of the life we are leading.