A Life Electric
Dimensions: 43 1/2" x 39"
Medium: giclee' on canvas
Edition Size: 10 - Artist Proof
Availability: Sold out at publisher but still available at Peabody Gallery
Markus’s story about this piece reads:
"We are all born the same: lucky to see our first day, and more so to see tomorrow and the next. We are all fools looking for wisdom, seekers searching for truth, show-offs longing for attention, accidents waiting to happen, and unfinished souls struggling to find grace. There is no magical, pristine, perfect journey that awaits us, as we are all prisoners of time. Time is a thief, and it doesn't negotiate. No matter how you structure your life - lush or spare, long or short, bold or cautious- wisdom dictates you start with a simple, clear ambition and pursue it with a great, epic passion. These two ingredients, when combined, have a glorious and inevitable outcome: A LIFE ELECTRIC."